We are recruiting for a Chief Executive – details on our Vacancy page!

Robertson House,

152 Bath Street,


G2 4TB

Services to Businesses

Impact Funding Partners believe that by working together we can support Scotland’s communities better.

Our vision is to create a fairer future for people and communities across the UK and beyond

Impact Funding Partners believe that by working together we can support Scotland’s communities better. We do this by:

  • Supporting donors to develop their funding strategy and impact model
  • Developing and managing impactful funding programmes
  • Working alongside businesses as a learning and evaluation partner to evaluate investments and quantify social values

Please contact us here to find out more

Contact us

Business Services

Here are some of the services we offer:

Fund Management and Design

Fund Management and Design

Impact Funding Partners don’t just manage funds, we design and build whole system solutions, based on what people tell us they want. We use our experience and commitment to innovation to co-create new funding models which deliver real change, working with public and corporate sector clients, as well as individual donors. Telling your story is equally important, and forms a vital part of the theory of change process. We help clients articulate compelling stories around the difference their work makes to the lives of vulnerable people and the communities in which they live.

Strategic Advice

Strategic Advice

With 40 years’ experience and an unparalleled network, we’re able to bring market intelligence and current industry knowledge to organisations developing their approach to promoting social change, equality and human rights. This includes advising statutory, third sector and corporate clients to advance their strategic thinking. Our experience in helping organisations build sustainable futures, means means Impact Funding Partners is ideally placed to help clients to review their governance structure, meet procurement demands or to facilitate the development of their fundraising, marketing and systems change strategies. It can also resource the implementation of their plans.

Social Impact and Evaluation

Social Impact and Evaluation

Knowing you’ve made a difference isn’t enough, quantifying what impact looks like is difficult. By building systems that capture information that matters, we’re able to create evaluation tools that definitively – and credibly – measure social impact and identify areas for improvement. We can come alongside you at any stage in your project journey as a learning, monitoring and evaluation partner.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Vision

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Vision

Impact Funding Partners understands its role within ESG as a leader in the “S” of that acronym and together with our expert associates can deliver a bespoke, holistic approach. We can ensure your ESG strategy delivers true social impact through your environmental, social and governance approaches. We understand the inextricable links between climate change and social inequality and how both can be tackled in meaningful, understandable and inclusive ways in our communities that make a tangible difference to both people and planet.