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G2 4TB

Our Support during the Covid-19 Outbreak – a message from our CEO

Our Support during the Covid-19 Outbreak – a message from our CEO

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Dear Colleagues  

We would like to share with you the planning Impact Funding Partners has been doing to ensure business continuity over the coming weeks.  As you will no doubt have seen in the media over the past few days, because of the spread of Coronavirus, Covid 19, governments in many countries are already advising their citizens to work from home if practicable and to travel as little as possible. This development is expected to intensify over the next few days and weeks. All the indications are that the impact of the virus is very likely to increase in the near future as we move from the “contain” phase of response to “delay”.

With that in mind, Impact Funding Partners is taking a range of measures designed to ensure we continue to engage with our partners and provide quality services.

Our offices in Inverkeithing and Glasgow will be closed from Monday 16 March for a period until the health risk to our staff and partners has reduced significantly. All our staff are able to work from home and can be contacted by email or through our main number Tel: 01383 620780.  Unfortunately, we will be cancelling all face-to-face meetings and events for the foreseeable future as a precaution, but staff will be able to contact you by phone or hold video meetings.

We appreciate that all our colleagues in the public, third and private sectors will also be affected by Covid 19, and we will be working with our funding partners to support organisations, and take a flexible approach to reporting.  Please contact staff in Impact Funding Partners by email in the first instance if you need further information or wish to discuss any concerns.

We will keep all partner organisations informed of changes to our business continuity plans.

Thank you

Keith Wimbles
Chief Executive