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New Scottish Government Volunteering for All: National Framework Launched

New Scottish Government Volunteering for All: National Framework Launched


Thursday 25th May saw the launch of Scotland’s National Outcomes Framework for Volunteering at Maslow’s Community Shop in Govan, Glasgow.

Maslow’s is a community focused enterprise that provides clothing, toiletries and other essentials to asylum seekers, refugees and those who are in most need. Funded through the Scottish Governments Volunteering Support Fund, which is managed by Impact Funding Partners, the shop is run by a team of enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers who all speak highly of the significant work the organisation carries out in the local community.

Launched by Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government, the framework offers clear and defined outcomes for volunteers and drives volunteering in a new positive direction that will improve performance locally as well as throughout Scotland.

The objectives of the new framework are to:

  • Set out clearly and in one place a coherent and compelling narrative for volunteering
  • Define the key outcomes desired for volunteering in Scotland over the next ten years
  • Identify the key data and evidence that will inform, indicate and drive performance at a national and local level
  • Enable informed debate and decision about the optimal combination of programmes, investments and interventions

Attending the launch, Impact Funding Partners Programmes Manager, Maggie Gardiner, said:

“We were delighted to support the launch of the National Outcome Framework for Volunteering and to be part of the external reference group, bringing with us learning from many years of supporting the Volunteer Support Fund. We are well aware of the massive difference made by volunteers, and the positive changes made in their lives by volunteering, and we look forward to working with others to ensure the framework is implemented successfully. Now the hard work begins as we all come together to bring about change and forge a positive future for volunteering.”

Neil Bird, Impact Funding Partners Senior Development Officer for the Volunteering Support Fund, added:

“It was wonderful to meet the amazing volunteers and team at Maslow’s and for them to be part of the launch of the new National Outcomes Framework for Volunteering. The volunteers shared their experiences of volunteering and described their increase in both confidence and skills. They have clearly built strong peer networks between each other and within the community. All the volunteers reported feeling part of the local community and valued having their skills and experience recognised, nurtured and supported. It was clear that volunteering had made a huge impact and difference to their lives.”

The new national framework can be downloaded here: https://www.gov.scot/publications/volunteering-national-framework/