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Impact Funding Partners’ Race Equality Position

Impact Funding Partners’ Race Equality Position

Impact Funding Partners Logo Colour 2

As an organisation Impact Funding Partners remains passionate about equality and is committed to challenging structures that perpetuate racism.

The protests at the U.S. police killing of George Floyd have shone a spotlight on systemic racism across the world. Like millions of people we are shocked that hate and prejudice has taken another black life, and our thoughts are with Mr Floyd’s family and friends. We support the ‘Black Lives Matter’ campaign and stand against racial prejudice and injustice everywhere. As an organisation and as individuals, we have a duty to speak up, challenge racism and support race equality.

Impact Funding Partners has been around in different forms since 1982. Over that time we have managed a number of funds to support organisations tackling racism and race inequality. We acknowledge that racism continues to exist in Scotland, and we know that racial prejudice and inequality can be seen in many areas such as employment, health, higher education, housing and representation in public life. We continue to work with many third sector organisations committed to tackling racism and promoting racial equality.

We believe that the wider third sector in Scotland could do more to tackle racism and racial inequality and to promote diversity in their organisations and work. Whilst we cannot speak on behalf of grassroots BME organisations and communities, we can listen and facilitate conversations and provide platforms for them to raise their voices and affect necessary change at all levels.

As an organisation Impact Funding Partners remains passionate about equality and is committed to challenging structures that perpetuate racism. We commit to looking at our own structures and everything we do; to take an anti-racist stance whilst continuing to play an active role in tackling race inequality through our funding approaches, policies and practices.

Impact Funding Partners
