Places of Worship funded


Grants of up to made available
Hate Crime Security Fund 2021 - 2022
Impact Funding Partners managed the Hate Crime Security Fund for Places of Worship on behalf of the Scottish Government. The fund was developed in partnership with Police Scotland.
Over the course of the fund, over £460,000 was distributed to 42 places of worship. The grants of up to £20,000 could be used for the provision of safety measures and improvements aimed at reducing the vulnerability in Scotland to hate crime.
Applications were welcomed from individual places of worship of all faiths who could demonstrate their vulnerability to hate crime whether or not a crime had been committed or reported to the police.
Scottish Government compiled an end of fund report following the completion of all security measures.

“By providing these measures, there is greater opportunity for the safety and security of the property, the artefacts and the vulnerable people attending events and activities.”
- Hate Crime Security Fund 2021 - 2022

“The Mosque is a place where people should feel safe and secure at all times. It is a place where people have a deep spiritual connection and rely on to stay in good mental health. It would be very sad if people didn't feel safe to visit the Mosque due to hate crime taking place”.
- Hate Crime Security Fund 2021 - 2022

“The security measures and improvements we are proposing will deter people from coming onto campus and targeting the church or parishioners, reduce our vulnerability and reassure parishioners and staff”.
- Hate Crime Security Fund 2021 - 2022