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Glasgow Third Sector Transformation Fund 2012-2017



Projects Funded






Older people from across Glasgow benefitted

Glasgow Third Sector Transformation Fund

Impact Funding Partners managed this fund on behalf of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership form 2012 – 2017.

The Glasgow Third Sector Transformation Fund was established to support projects in delivering services to older people and their carers in their own homes and communities.

The aim of the fund was to improve the health of older people and/or their families and carers in order to reduce demand on public services. Third sector projects worked directly with and for old people, their families and/or carers.

Over the 5 years, the needs and scope of funding required became more extensive than older people. In conjunction with FMR Research, Impact Funding Partners commissioned extensive research, resulting in a full evaluation report compiled and submitted to the funder in 2017.

This led to the fund evolving into what is now the Wellbeing for longer in Glasgow Fund, which encompasses projects offering activities and support for all Adults aged 16yr+. This fund is managed by Impact Funding Partners, information on this fund can be found here.


“For the first time in my life, I am living one moment at a time, from day to day and I have all the tremendous Good Morning help to thank for this. I don't know what I would do without my service, you have become my family”.

- Glasgow Third Sector Transformation Fund 2012 - 2017

“This project has been a god send. She can hardly believe it herself and attributes the difference in firstly; the therapies that relaxed and took a lot of tension away and secondly, the meeting of other people”.

- Glasgow Third Sector Transformation Fund 2012 - 2017

“I got to meet a lot of people. They gave me, and I gave them, confidence. It’s a great thing and my overall health has improved tremendously. I am eating well and everybody says I am looking better”.

- Glasgow Third Sector Transformation Fund 2012 - 2017