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Robertson House,

152 Bath Street,


G2 4TB

Equally Safe (Violence Against Women and Girls) Fund 2017–2020



Projects Funded



Distributed Annually



Women and young people supported

Equally Safe (Violence Against Women and Girls) Fund 2017–2020

Impact Funding Partners managed this fund on behalf of the Scottish Government between 2012 and 2020.

The aim of the fund was to support work to progress outcomes in Equally Safe, Scotland’s strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls. Funding assisted with the development of measures to tackle all forms of violence against women and girls, including projects that build capacity in local partnerships to strengthen responses to violence and abuse, the delivery of frontline services, or projects which focus on prevention and early intervention.

We provided fund management including development support and creating opportunities for organisations to come together and share, learn, collaborate and network through participation at training and good practice events.

Impact Funding Partners compiled and submitted an end of fund report to the funder.


“Because I felt stressed, this had an impact on my children who also felt stressed. I can breathe freely now. My home is now my oasis of peace so that is a massive difference. My friends tell me that they can see that I am happier and different.”

- Equally Safe (Violence Against Women and Girls) Fund 2017 - 2020

“The feedback from the other professionals involved was that they had been challenged to think differently and understand the situation from a different perspective which I feel was a positive contribution on behalf of our service”.

- Equally Safe (Violence Against Women and Girls) Fund 2017 - 2020

“Thank you so much. You are such an amazing service looking after children and young people and other vulnerable children in a critical time like this."

- Equally Safe (Violence Against Women and Girls) Fund 2017 - 2020