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G2 4TB

Latest News

Here you can take a read through some of Impact Funding Partners latest news and blogs . If you need further information at any time, please get in touch.

A Volunteer Champion: Part 2

Following on from the ‘Volunteer Champion: Part 1‘ blog shared in August, I now want to explore how the Volunteer…

A Volunteer Champion

When you think about a ‘volunteer champion’, who do you think of?  Is it someone who tirelessly volunteers day in,…

Social Isolation and Loneliness Funding Recipients Announced

Organisations across Scotland awarded share of £3.2 million fund. Impact Funding Partners are delighted to announce that more than 50…

Impact Funding Partners Receive UK First Recognition in Global Excellence

Leading national fund management organisation and charity consultancy, Impact Funding Partners, is the first organisation in the UK to have…

VSF 2021-24 Welcome Workshops

Impact Funding Partners was delighted to welcome 113 funded projects to our Volunteer Support Fund Welcome Workshops last month. A…

Walk at Work Award

Impact Funding Partners has achieved the Paths for All Walk at Work Award We are delighted to announce that we…

BLOG: International Youth Day

Today, Thursday 12th August is International Youth Day. The theme this year is ‘Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human…

BLOG: Why Volunteer In Your Local Community?

Diane Wilson is the Senior Development Officer here at Impact Funding Partners. Her role is to oversee the management of…

Volunteering Support Fund 2021-24 (Closed Fund)

Impact Funding Partners was tasked with distributing £3.3million of government cash to encourage more people from disadvantaged and minority ethnic…

16 Days of Action: Why Orange?

Today, Wednesday 25th November, is International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women.   However, today also marks the beginning of 16 Days…

BLOG: Volunteering Is A Positive Destination

Fiona Inglis has been a Development Officer with Impact Funding Partners since 2018 and is one of the lead Development Officers working on the Volunteering Support Fund….

Hate Crime Security Fund for Places of Worship (Closed Fund)

Impact Funding Partners managed this fund on behalf of Scottish Government which was aimed at reducing the vulnerability to hate…

Blog: Let’s Each Ask Ourselves, ‘What Difference Can I Make?’

19% of Scotland’s population are living in relative poverty. Just let that sink in.    That means that right now, there are around 1 million…

BLOG: The W̶o̶r̶m̶ Tide That Turned

We are living in a time where there is a precedent set already where populations are restricted, or ‘locked down’…

Blog – Tricia Imrie: The Re-Birth of A Fairer Future

This weekend marks the second birthday of Impact Funding Partners!   Having existed since 1986 in various forms, the re-launch of Impact Funding Partners in 2019 provided…

Guest Blog: Maryhill Integration Network – #LiftTheBan For People Seeking Asylum

Maryhill Integration Network is a charity bringing refugee, migrant and local communities together through art, social, cultural and educational groups and…

Blog: Together We Can – International Volunteers Day

What facts do we know about volunteering in Scotland? We know that 48% of adults in Scotland have volunteered. That’s over 2.17…

Guest Blog: GDA – Disabled Women & Domestic Violence

On International Day of Disabled People, we are delighted to be part of the UN’s 16 days of action against…