We are recruiting for a Chief Executive – details on our Vacancy page!

Robertson House,

152 Bath Street,


G2 4TB

Migrant Voice – Enabled & Supported

Migrant Voice - Enabled & Supported


Volunteering Support Fund


Migrant Voice

Our Work

For over the last 10 years, Migrant Voice has been developing the skills and confidence of members of the migrant community – including refugees and asylum seekers – in London, Birmingham and Glasgow so that policymakers and the public hear their voices on the issues that affect them. They also seek to create positive change across the UK in countering xenophobia, strengthening communities, influencing policy and bringing justice.

Petya joined Migrant Voice to volunteer her time to support the organisation in its work empowering migrants to have a voice.

She also wanted to gain some work experience, develop new skills and boost her confidence in order to find a job. It was also important for Petya to meet new people, make new friends and feel less isolated and part of the community.

Petya, originally from Bulgaria, is a carer and lives with her daughter in Glasgow. Volunteering with Migrant Voice has provided her with the support and learning opportunity she needed to develop her skills in administration work including IT skills and written communication, social research techniques, problem solving, and working in an office environment and as part of a team.

Petya has enjoyed participating in our training and events like our Media Lab and International Migrants Day activity, and felt valued and supported. She has made many friends and has now found her first full time job in Scotland as an admin assistant.