We are recruiting for a Chief Executive – details on our Vacancy page!

Robertson House,

152 Bath Street,


G2 4TB

Anti Bullying Week

Anti Bullying Week


Volunteering Support Fund


Ignite Theatre

Our Work

Ignite Theatre works with children and young people aged 6-24 from diverse backgrounds who live primarily in the North and West of Glasgow. Their members come from across the globe; from Scotland to Somalia, and includes new members from Syria. Many of their members face multiple challenges, whether that is poverty, discrimination, being a young carer, or having additional needs.

Hannah (not her real name) came along with two pals and was very much part of a girl gang at that point. All three girls had potential but attendance with them all could be hit and miss. As the other two, fell away, Hannah became more engaged and also started spending more time at the office in the run up to an evening workshop.

From the conversations she had there with our Volunteer Coordinator, she was having a difficult time at school. Bullied, threatened with a knife by her peers and written off by her teachers, her self-esteem was very poor.

However, we see Hannah in a very different way- funny, full of creativity, a keen musician and very kind. She was chosen for youth leadership training, excelled on the residential and is now helping with juniors as a weekly volunteer.

She has just been chosen to go to London on a week-long residential retreat where she will visit different theatres, another youth theatre company and Oscar winning Composer Dario Marianelli.

It was only recently she opened up to being part of the traveller community but had been told not to disclose this connection as travellers have such a terrible reputation and no-one expects them to stay in school.

We know her friends, who fell away, are now into underage drinking, gang behaviour and causing concern for their respective families.

It is so great to see Hannah shine, feeling she has a valued place within the company, setting her sights on becoming a stand-up comedian and being a great role model for younger members.